Sunday, March 3, 2013

Horsing Around

Do you get it horsing around ; D.. horse in our meat... never mind !!

But on a more serious note. Yes of course there has been traces of horse found in our meat.
Now this could obviously only happen two ways,
A)Horses and Cows have had some hankypanky ; D.. I would like us all to take a moment to imagine what a horse/cow crossbreed would look like...
We could call it a course as in main course ; D.. I know I am rubbish at jokes.
B)The actual truth people have been putting horse in our burgers.
I generally don't care what's in my burger as long as it tastes good.

enough crap goes into our food as it is, I mean our sausages are barely meat most of it's fat from a piggy's face.

So do you say neighhhh to horse meat.. or do you just generally like me not give a toss about whats in your meat?

I shall leave you with some wise words as you ponder your opinion...

'After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.' - Oscar Wilde.

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