Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm a gangster.

Oh yeah, sorry G I forget that's not how you spell it anymore is it !!

*Gangstaaa. How can you chavy twats out there possibly be gangsters if you can't even spell it right?

Also you're not a gangster, you run round your 'Ghetto' (council estate actually) selling weed to 12 year olds with a kitchen knife tucked in the trousers. Your momma must be so proud!!

And as for your trousers you realize they're meant to go above your bum - actually if any of you could tell me how you can possibly keep them up all day that'd be really nice you bastards are defying gravity.As for all this weed you be blazin' by the time your 35 your going to be so paranoid that your going to be thinking your shadow is stalking you (in case you uneducated fools didn't know it does follow you everywhere). I don't even get why I'm leaving clip notes for chavs like you'd read for fun!

And if you did you'd only understand if i rote lyk dis. Which really pisses me off, I realize I might not have the best spelling or grammar but at least I try.

I enjoy seeing you twats on Jeremy Kyle.

'There is no sin except stupidy.' - Oscar Wilde.

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