Friday, January 31, 2014


Recently I've been thinking about equality and how much our world has missed out on due to the rich not allowing poorer people to have education. How much literature and art have we missed out on, how many scientific discoveries and break throughs if they'd just given everyone the right for education sooner? Simple i'm sure you all agree. Then why are we repeating the same mistakes by not giving everyone the right to a GOOD education. Why should the rich be allowed better education daddys moneys already going to give them a foot up in life and before you say well everyone gets an education NO from my experience public schools are useless yes some are good and i will say a few of my teachers i adored but most of the teachers hated their job, the school and the pupils. We should all have the same education. University shouldn't cost so much!!! Some of us don't want to be in debt just so we can be stuck in a 9-5 job. Maybe if we were given a proper education and a better chance to suceed in life there would be less people on benefits. Why try when we're only going to struggle and just about survive. So stop criminalising us poor uneducated fools and start giving us equal chances to become whatever we aspire to be. And maybe just maybe if you gave the working class the education needed to become mp's we might do an amazing job because you can't see how we feel and live from all the way up there in your fancy castles and shit. None of you have any clue what it's like to worry about where the money for dinners going to come from or if the electric will hold out till we next get paid. So do yourselves a favour live on the bare minimum we're entitled to and see how long you can last until you crack, I think every politician should have to walk in a poor mans shoes before he gets the job. How can you possibly help if you don't understand?

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