Friday, March 15, 2013


I've been thinking recently.. I don't agree with killing murderers and rapists because that just brings us down to their level, but we do in Britain make the lives of prisoners too easy.

My 'Baby Daddy' as he would call himself is in prison for domestic violence, the first thing I have to say about this is his sentence was no where near as long as it should have been. He got 2 years, halved for pleading guilty and then halved again because of good behavior (bullshit there's just not enough rooms in prisons). The only reason he even got that long in the end was because there were knives involved. Honestly 6 months for ruining someones life, daily beatings, causing someone to have no self esteem and become close to suicide. I'm happy to say though I came out the other end.

I can't help thinking however, he got the easy way out. He gets to sleep all night without being woken by a screaming child. The only ass he has to wipe is his own. He gets food for nothing, and with 'good behavior' can have a TV,  PlayStation and whatever else he wants in his room mean while I have to save up for months at a time when I need something. 'Prisoners respond to rewards when their behavior is good.' how about we show them how hard things can be make them earn everything in prison instead of it being handed to them on a silver platter. If I want to do a course (which I do I don't want to be stuck in a dead end job or claim benefits for the rest of my life) I have to pay and also find someone to look after my children whilst I do it. Prisoners can do as many courses as they want for free? Erm excuse me shouldn't you help the people that haven't broken the law first instead of focusing on prisoners. I realize some people think they're less likely to re-offend, but surely our sole priority should be helping those that deserve our help first? I also realize a lot of people think 'Go easy on them, they're away from their families they're just trying to sort their lives out' Well firstly it's their own fault for breaking the law and landing themselves in prison and secondly what about all the people out there without jobs who are trying hard to get jobs and have never broken the law surely they're the ones who deserve a break. I realize I'm ranting, but this subject really infuriates me. Oh and another thing, rapists, perverts, murderers should not be allowed to have ANY TIME WHAT SO EVER knocked off their sentence. Can there victims remove a couple of minutes off of the horrible memories? NO. Can the murdered people add a couple more years onto their lives? NO. So these people should have a set amount of years that they are inside, it doesn't matter about good behavior when you've ruined families!!!

So I ask you. What are your opinions, do you think I need to open my mind a bit more and see the other sides point of view, or do you like me think Britain is too easy on it's prisoners?

'It's not the prisoners who need reformation, it is the prisons.' - Oscar Wilde.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Horsing Around

Do you get it horsing around ; D.. horse in our meat... never mind !!

But on a more serious note. Yes of course there has been traces of horse found in our meat.
Now this could obviously only happen two ways,
A)Horses and Cows have had some hankypanky ; D.. I would like us all to take a moment to imagine what a horse/cow crossbreed would look like...
We could call it a course as in main course ; D.. I know I am rubbish at jokes.
B)The actual truth people have been putting horse in our burgers.
I generally don't care what's in my burger as long as it tastes good.

enough crap goes into our food as it is, I mean our sausages are barely meat most of it's fat from a piggy's face.

So do you say neighhhh to horse meat.. or do you just generally like me not give a toss about whats in your meat?

I shall leave you with some wise words as you ponder your opinion...

'After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.' - Oscar Wilde.